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We help move
people from “Sick Care” to “Health Care”

Are you ready to TRANSFORM your health?

America is a very sick nation - and getting sicker

Why? The food we eat. Fast food, processed food, sugary beverages are the Standard American Diet. We don’t move enough. We are living in a high stress world. We aren’t sleeping well. The amount of environmental toxins we are exposed to are increasing daily. This all creates chronic inflammation in our bodies.

… and it’s killing us 

Clinical studies reveal that chronic illnesses start in chronic inflammation. And, clinical studies reveal that most chronic illnesses are preventable and reversible with changes in diet and lifestyle. (CDC)

Do you know what your Inflammation level is?

Now you can!

The HealthyID Inflammation Panel is easy and convenient. 

You do it in the privacy of your home and simply drop your specimen in the mail for processing.

No going to a clinic. No going to a lab.

Within a few days of receipt of your specimen, you will have your test results in an easy-to-understand test report. It’s a powerful tool to track your progress as you work to make changes in your diet and lifestyle to take back your health!

Why is the HealthyID Inflammation Panel so important?

Are you ready to TRANSFORM your health?

Order Your HealthyID Inflammation Panel

Order Your HealthyID Inflammation Panel