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Sexual Health Tests

So listen you lovers, both young and old,

For this tale of tests, so daringly told.

For in the dance of passion, amidst joyful thrills,

There lies a quest for health, curing all ills.

So be bold, be brave, and don’t shy away,

From the tests that ensure your love’s here to stay.

For in matters of hearth, and matters so grand,

Your health is the cornerstone, the jewel in the land.

So let’s raise a cheer, for the tests we must take,

For they keep us all safe, in love’s sweet embrace. 

In this whimsical world, where magic abounds,

Let’s cherish our health, with joy that resounds!

So listen you lovers, both young and old,
For this tale of tests, so daringly told.
For in the dance of passion, amidst joyful thrills,
There lies a quest for health, curing all ills.

So be bold, be brave, and don’t shy away,
From the tests that ensure your love’s here to stay.
For in matters of hearth, and matters so grand,
Your health is the cornerstone, the jewel in the land.

So let’s raise a cheer, for the tests we must take,
For they keep us all safe, in love’s sweet embrace. 
In this whimsical world, where magic abounds,
Let’s cherish our health, with joy that resounds!

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